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CARI offers courses to Rehab professionals in basic and advanced aquatic physical therapy to address all clients therapeutic goals.  CARI is able to tailor the aquatic instruction to Rehabilitation facilities, staff and patient population needs. The courses include theory and practice of aquatic therapy techniques, the latest research, use of outcome measures and the development of effective, evidence-based, sustainable programming.


  • If you are interested in a specific course presently not on offer, please connect with us. 

  • If you have a pool that would accommodate a course, please let us know and we can inquire further regarding access/rental.

  • If you have a warm water therapy pool and interested in hosting a course, please connect to explore this possibility; advantages include tailoring programs to your patients, advancing your staff, and engaging your community.



Foundational Aquatic Therapy Online Theory Course

Part 1, Click here


 CARI, is excited to provide a 50 minute, free, online course that covers the basics of hydrodynamics, applied to rehabilitation. It is offered through Embodia, Canada's largest online continuing education platform for physiotherapists and rehabilitation practitioners. Part 1 is a prerequisite to Part 2 of Foundational Aquatic Therapy - which explores evidence-based practice and provides 4 hours of in-pool practice. 


Embodia offers a few free courses for all healthcare professionals including the Foundational Aquatic Therapy course. Embodia is a subscription service dedicated to the scholarly practice of PT; sharing the wealth of our Canadian experts and addressing the multi-faceted approach to effective physiotherapy. I encourage you to sign up and consider subscribing to get the most out of your Embodia experience. Contact for more information.




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CARI offers courses to Rehab professionals in basic and advanced aquatic physical therapy to address all clients therapeutic goals.  CARI is able to tailor the aquatic instruction to Rehabilitation facilities, staff and patient population needs. The courses include theory and practice of aquatic therapy techniques, the latest research, use of outcome measures and the development of effective, evidence-based, sustainable programming.


  • If you are interested in a specific course presently not on offer, please connect with us. 

  • If you have a pool that would accommodate a course, please let us know and we can inquire further regarding access/rental.

  • If you have a warm water therapy pool and interested in hosting a course, please connect to explore this possibility; advantages include tailoring programs to your patients, advancing your staff, and engaging your community.



Foundational Aquatic Therapy Online Theory Course

Part 1, Click here


 CARI, is excited to provide a 50 minute, free, online course that covers the basics of hydrodynamics, applied to rehabilitation. It is offered through Embodia, Canada's largest online continuing education platform for physiotherapists and rehabilitation practitioners. Part 1 is a prerequisite to Part 2 of Foundational Aquatic Therapy - which explores evidence-based practice and provides 4 hours of in-pool practice. 


Embodia offers a few free courses for all healthcare professionals including the Foundational Aquatic Therapy course. Embodia is a subscription service dedicated to the scholarly practice of PT; sharing the wealth of our Canadian experts and addressing the multi-faceted approach to effective physiotherapy. I encourage you to sign up and consider subscribing to get the most out of your Embodia experience. Contact for more information.




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Comprehensive Aquatic Therapy

2-day course in Stratford, Ontario



Date: April 5 & 6, 2025 


Instructor: Alison Bonnyman, PT, IATF

Location: Spruce Lodge Pool, Stratford Ontario

Time: 8am to 4pm, Saturday and Sunday

Registration: Contact Alison at

Cost: $750

Maximum # of participants: 8


This 2-day course intensively applies hydrodynamics to take full advantage of the immersive benefits of aquatic therapy to address therapeutic goals for all populations and conditions. The focus will be on effective, evidence-based treatment, exploring and applying the research. You will learn to  creatively manipulate depth, turbulence, buoyancy and equipment. Aquatic methodologies will be introduced and concepts will be applied to cases. Contraindications and precautions management will be explored. You will practice positional stabilization, suspension techniques, and multi-task training. Case presentations and quizzes are embedded throughout the 2 days of training to ensure effective exercise prescriptions and progressions are based in hydrodynamics to effectively address therapeutic goals in the water environment.

Adult neurological and orthopaedic conditions will be addressed.

Approximately 6 hours in-pool time per day. Certificates and Manuals are provided.  

All participants are required to complete the 1-hour online Part 1,Foundational Aquatic Therapy course prior to attending. Link: 


Paediatric Aquatic Therapy

April 11, 2025



Date: April 11, 2025 


Instructor: Deanna Lentini, PT

Hosted by Kayla's Children Centre Hydrotherapy Pool,

               36 Atkinson Ave, North Toronto

Time: 8:30am to 4:30pm, Saturday and Sunday


Cost: Early Bird before Feb 14: $440. After Feb 14, $475


Link to Register:


Lectures review hydrodynamics, physiology of immersion and specific contraindications when working with children in the aquatic environment. A review of evidence and case discussions pertaining to paediatric populations including ASD, CP, DMD, SMA, post-op inpatients and outpatients will be discussed. Pool sessions will practice application of aquatic interventions for both group and 1:1 therapy settings. Client demonstrations will augment the learning. On completion of the course therapists will be able to design and evaluate evidence based aquatic physiotherapy treatment plans. This eight hour course runs from 8:30am to 4:30pm with a 30 minute break for lunch. Certificates of course completion are provided. 


Course Planning...
The best way to have a course near you is for you to organize a course in your pool!

The CARI Team will come to you and your community, tailoring the course content to your needs.
Does your Rehab hospital have a pool? When was the last time the staff received training in aquatic therapy and optimizing pool use? Open your course to external therapists and cover your incurred costs. 
Not in a hospital?... Does your community have a warm pool? Will they host an Aquatic Therapy course for community therapists? The mandate of a 'Community' Pool must serve ALL the community! This includes those unable to access the pool without assistance. Be the Bridge and enable your clients, providing one-on-one session to then transition them to the community aquatic programs or 'Open Quiet/Therapy Times' in their local pool. Quality of Life is directly correlated with Physical Activity!
Contact us at 

CARI Course Descriptions:

Foundational Aquatic Therapy, Part 2, The Practical 


This course is the practice of applied hydrodynamics to the physiology of immersion and exercise prescription in order to take full advantage of the immersive benefits for all populations and conditions. Contraindications and precautions are detailed and you learn to modify your exercises and maximize your pool time with individuals with common health conditions. The focus will be on effective, evidence-based treatment programs to address therapeutic goals such as strength, ROM, balance, and function. Instruction will introduce some basic aquatic therapy approaches. This course offers 4 hours in-pool practice. Manuals are provided.


All participants are required to complete the 1-hour online Part 1,Foundational Aquatic Therapy course- - prior to this Foundational Part 2 Practicum, Embodia Academy. 

Aquatic Therapy for Gait & Balance Retraining


The 1.5 hour Online Theory is via Zoom and will refresh hydrodynamics and present research on the effectiveness of aquatic therapy for gait and balance training and fall prevention.


The 4 hour in-pool session applies hydrodynamics and evidence for creative manipulation of depth, turbulence, equipment, stabilization, and suspension. This course will enable you to create, deliver and document aquatic therapy treatments focused on addressing gait, balance and fall prevention incorporating cognition and dual-task training to address fall prevention. This course will provide you with limitless ideas when responding to your patient’s specific gait and balance challenges. 


Aquatic Therapy Exercise Progression, Gait & Balance Retraining


This full day course builds on your fundamental knowledge of hydrodynamics and applies it to the common therapeutic goals of strengthening, range of movement and function. Exercise in the pool is all about using the buoyancy, viscosity and turbulence and understanding the effects of immersion on the body. Learn to manipulate the hydrodynamics and create the optimal water-based exercises to help your client achieve their goals.

Gait and balance are common goals across our client base. Focus will be on the creative manipulation of depth, turbulence, equipment, positional stabilization, and suspension techniques, and incorporating cognition and dual-task training to address fall prevention. 

Case-based learning will illustrate assessment, exercise prescription and progression for common populations and conditions. Case presentations and quizzes are embedded in this session. Research is presented and protocols applied.


Paediatric Aquatic Therapy


The 1.5 hour Online Theory is via Zoom and will present research on the effectiveness of aquatic therapy in the paediatric population, and review the specific contraindications and precautions related to hydrodynamics and paediatrics. 


This is a 4 hour in-pool session course for therapists who value the enhanced environment of water to facilitate directed, therapeutic play for children with special needs.  We will practice 1:1 techniques to engage righting reactions, reduce spasticity, stimulate fine motor control, trunk control and cognitive engagement. Case discussions and problem solving is a collaborative component of this session. The intent is to provide you with limitless ideas to engage your young patients while attaining therapeutic goals in the aquatic environment. 




Aquatic Therapy in Neurology


The 1.5 hour Online Theory is via Zoom and will present research on the effectiveness of aquatic therapy for individuals with neurological conditions, the protocols, the dosage, the therapeutic goals and methods that are backed by research. We review the specific contraindications and precautions related to hydrodynamics for our individuals with neurological conditions, some typical comorbidities and complex issues. 


This is a 4 hour in-pool session course for therapists who have completed the Foundational Aquatic Therapy course Part 1 & 2. Practice of 1:1 techniques using motor relearning principles, eg. overflow, sensory stimulation; to reduce spasticity, facilitate trunk control, manage neglect and engage the patient on a cognitive level. Case discussions (conditions: stroke, PD, MS) and problem solving is a collaborative component of this session. Functional goals and progressions are addressed. The intent is to provide you with limitless hydrotherapy ideas to achieve your client's therapeutic goals.




Aquatic Therapy in Orthopaedics


The 1.5 hour Online Theory is via Zoom and will present research on the effectiveness of aquatic therapy for orthopaedic conditions, the protocols, the dosage, the therapeutic goals and methods. Contraindications and precautions for our individuals with orthopaedic conditions will be reviewed, including low back pain, total joint replacements (hip, knee, shoulder, ankle).


This is a 4 hour in-pool session course for therapists who have completed the Foundational Aquatic Therapy course Part 1 & 2. Exercise prescription optimizing hydrodynamics, progressions and equipment, cardiovascular retraining and manual mobilizations will be practiced. Also, 1:1 techniques in suspension facilitate distraction, range of motion, myofascial release will be taught. Case discussions (conditions: LBP, THA, TKR) and problem solving is a collaborative component of this session. The ability to off-load the joints and reduced peripheral swelling while exercising is an amazing rehabilitative combination. Come & enhance your therapeutic skills! 


Aquatic Therapy for Chronic Pain


The 1.5 hour Online Theory is via Zoom and will present research on the effectiveness of aquatic therapy in the management of chronic pain; the protocols, the dosage, the therapeutic goals and methods in recent research. Pain-related physiological changes on immersion and specific aquatic therapy theory and methods are explored. 


This is a 4 hour in-pool session course for therapists who have completed the Foundational Aquatic Therapy course Part 1 & 2. We will practice hands-on and hands-off techniques, rhythmic breathing with movement, Ai Chi, imagery, manipulation of turbulence/wave, sensory integration both in the shallow end and deep-end. Specific manual mobilizations/distraction to alleviate Chronic LBP is taught. Case discussions and problem solving is a collaborative component of this session. 

Advanced Suspended Techniques and Mobilizations

in Aquatic Therapy


 This full day course builds on your aquatic therapy skills. Learn to manipulate the buoyancy and resistence of water while creatively positioning the body to achieve the desired outcomes/goals. 
Passive, active and resistive work in suspended positions challenge coordination, strength, endurance and function. The body-mind connection is enhanced by the heightened sensory environment of water and you will learn handling that will enhance the neural feedback. Water's warmth allows for relaxation and this course will address stretching mechanics in the aquatic environment. We will explore specific manual mobilizations can be passive or active, at endrange or through range depending on your goal. 
Imagine accessing your client with no plinth in the way! Come and experience it on yourself! 
Case presentations and problem solving is part of this day.


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